Informace o projektu
Advanced Training and Life Long Learning Program in Applied Health Sciences (AtlHeal) (AtlHeal)


Projekt nespadá pod Přírodovědeckou fakultu, ale pod Lékařskou fakultu. Oficiální stránka projektu je na webu
Logo poskytovatele

Advanced Training and life Long learning Program in Applied Medical and Health Sciences focused on innovative training methods for the improvement of accountability, quality and saftey of professionals working in the area of appied medical and health sciences. The purpose of the project is to jointly reform and modernize a flexible inter-disciplinary training and professional life long program and diploma (LTP) in applied health sciences. A flexible training and diploma will be issued by the partner institutions offering the integrated study program. It is a Lifelong Learning Program to enable people at all stages of their lives to take part in stimulating learning experiences and helping to develop strong institutional and individua capacity building across Sothern Neighbouring Area (ENPI South).
1.Particiapte in SWOT analysis
2.Supervision of the project plan implementation,
3.Assisting LNU for preparation of the Annual and Final Reports,
4.Hosting a CM and number of training workshops
5.Receiving staff and mobility students
6.Cooperation with other partners to achieve the objective of the project
7.Participation in the planning, monitoring and management of the project


Počet publikací: 1

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