prof. MUDr. Petr Štourač, Ph.D., MBA, LL.M., FESAIC
Vice-Dean for Development and Studies in General Medicine (Yrs 4 - 6), Faculty of Medicine
Total number of publications: 417
Digging Deeper into Medical Errors
Year: 2022, type: Conference abstract
Doporučený postup - Léčba akutní pooperační bolesti
Anesteziologie a intenzivní medicína, year: 2022, volume: 33, edition: 2, DOI
Duration of inhalation versus intravenous anaesthesia induction in paediatric patients: prospective observational trial
Year: 2022, type: Conference abstract
Feasibility of Mouth-to-Mouth Ventilation through FFP2 Respirator in BLS Training during COVID-19 Pandemic (MOVERESP Study): Simulation-Based Study
Children-Basel, year: 2022, volume: 9, edition: 11, DOI
First-year of High-fidelity simulations inpostgraduate training in a new SimulationCentre
Year: 2022, type: Requested lectures
Hloubka anestezie u pediatrických pacientů: prospektivní observační studie
Year: 2022, type: Conference abstract
Incidence of Emergence Delirium in the Pediatric PACU: Prospective Observational Trial
Children-Basel, year: 2022, volume: 9, edition: 10, DOI
Year: 2022, type: Conference abstract
Intenzivní péče o zraněné dítě
Dětské polytrauma, year: 2022, number of pages: 20 s.
Malignant hyperthermia in Czechia and Slovakia
British Journal of Anaesthesia, year: 2022, volume: 129, edition: 2, DOI