Project information
Teacher and pupils in dialogic teaching
- Project Identification
- GA13-23578S
- Project Period
- 2/2013 - 12/2016
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Czech Science Foundation
- Standard Projects
- MU Faculty or unit
- Faculty of Arts
- Keywords
- dialogic teaching, educational communication, secondary school, participatory action research
The aim of this project is to investigate the potential of the concept of dialogic teaching in the milieu of secondary schools. The proposed project is directly related to a previous project, Communication in the Classroom, which focused on the description of parameters of educational communication. The findings of this former project were not in accordance with the theoretical concept of dialogic teaching, which defines educational communication as a tool beneficial for the stimulation of pupils’ understanding and thinking. The main aim of the proposed project is to find out when and under which conditions a change can occur in the communication between teacher and pupils. Hence, (i) we will situate the theoretical concept of dialogic teaching in a Czech scholarly milieu; (ii) in the process of participatory action research, we will develop the theoretical concept in the form of situated dialogue which can be implemented in direct teaching; (iii) by experimentation, we will document how such a change in communication setting influences communication structures and pupil performance.
Total number of publications: 83
Conceptual and Practical Tools in Teacher Development Programme
Year: 2016, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Dialogické vyučování jako realizace produktivní kultury vyučování a učení v literární výchově : jak iniciovat a udržet změnu
Orbis Scholae, year: 2016, volume: 10, edition: 2, DOI
Improving Teacher Feedback In Dialogic Education
Year: 2016, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Jak se učitelé učí: Cestou profesního rozvoje k dialogickému vyučování
Year: 2016, edition: Vydání první, number of pages: 325 s.
Jak se učitelé učí? Role videonahrávky v procesu změny
Year: 2016, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Od deskripce k akci. Akční výzkum výukové komunikace
Year: 2016, type: Requested lectures
Professional development for dialogic teaching: presentation & discussion. 7. 7. 2016, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge
Year: 2016, type: Requested lectures
Reflexe jako nástroj změny komunikačního chování učitele: případová studie
Pedagogika, year: 2016, volume: 66, edition: 4
Teacher expectancies, teacher behaviour and students’ participation in classroom discourse
Journal of Educational Enquiry, year: 2016, volume: 15, edition: 1
Teacher professional development as a means of transforming student classroom talk
Teaching and Teacher Education, year: 2016, volume: 57, edition: July, DOI