Počet publikací: 111
Multicomponent radiatively driven stellar winds I.Nonisothermal three-component wind of hot B stars
Astronomy and Astrophysics, rok: 2001, ročník: 35, vydání: 369
Multicomponent radiatively driven stellar windsII. Gayley-Owocki heating in multitemperature winds of OB stars
Astronomy and Astrophysics, rok: 2001, ročník: 35, vydání: 377
Spherically symmetric model atmospheres using approximate lambda operators IV. Computational details of the thermal balance method
Astronomy and Astrophysics, rok: 2001, ročník: 366
Isothermal two-component stellar wind of hot stars
Astronomy and Astrophysics, rok: 2000, ročník: 32, vydání: 359
NLTE model atmospheres of irradiated stars in B binaries
The Be Phenomenon in Early-Type Stars, IAU Coll.175, M. A. Smith, H. F. Henrichs & J. Fabregat eds., rok: 2000
Properties and nature of Be stars 19. Spectral and light variability of 60 Cygni
Astronomy and Astrophysics, rok: 2000, ročník: 356
Properties and nature of Be stars. XX. Binary nature and orbital elements of gamma Cas
Astronomy and Astrophysics, rok: 2000, ročník: 33, vydání: 364
Two-component stellar wind in hot stars
Thermal and ionization aspects of flows from hot stars: observations and theory, rok: 2000
The sphericity effects in the NLTE model atmospheres of hot post-AGB stars
New Astronomy, rok: 1999, ročník: 4
Thermal balance of electrons in calculations of model stellar atmospheres
Astronomy and Astrophysics, rok: 1999, ročník: 341