Total number of publications: 439
Hominid visitation of the Moravian Karst during the Middle-Upper Paleolithic transition: New results from Pod Hradem Cave (Czech Republic)
Journal of Human Evolution, year: 2017, volume: 108, edition: July, DOI
Lokality: environmentální a archeologický záznam
Mezolit severních Čech II. Komplexní výzkum skalních převisů na Českolipsku a Děčínsku, 2003-2015. Dolnověstonické studie, sv. 22, year: 2017
Mezolit severních Čech II
Year: 2017, edition: Vyd. 1, number of pages: 247 s.
On landscapes, maps and Upper Paleolithic lifestyles in the Central European corridor: The images of Pavlov and Předmostí
Veleia, year: 2017, volume: 34, DOI
Palmar, Patellar, and Pedal Human Remains from Pavlov
PaleoAnthropology, year: 2017, volume: 15, edition: n/a, DOI
Pavlovian hunters on the margin - Archaeozoological analysis of the animal remains discovered at the Pavlov II site
Fossil imprints, year: 2017, volume: 73, edition: 3-4, DOI
Puzzling Pairs from Pavlov: Mortuary Manipulation in the Mid Upper Paleolithic
Year: 2017, type: Conference abstract
A molecular approach to the sexing of the triple burial at the Upper Paleolithic site of Dolní Věstonice
PLOS ONE, year: 2016, volume: 11, edition: 10, DOI
Dolní Věstonice - Pavlov
Year: 2016, edition: Vyd. 1, number of pages: 399 s.
Dolní Věstonice II. Chronostratigraphy, Paleoethnology, Paleoanthropology
Year: 2016, edition: Vyd. 1, number of pages: 420 s.