We have achieved an important milestone of the HR Award MUNI SCI
The following activities in the last 6 months helped us to reach this phase:
In October 2020, the employees and Ph.D. students expressed their views on employee care in the Employee Survey. They significantly contributed to new ideas and priorities for the revised HR Award Action Plan 2021-23. Thank you to all who replied. Many suggestions were included in the plan for the coming 3 years (e.g., increased information about career development opportunities, support for financing Ph.D. studies, continuous improvement of working conditions, etc.).
- The faculty web has undergone several changes in the last two years. These include creating the Careers website, in joint efforts of the HR Award, PR, and IT faculty teams. As a part of the Employee Survey, we received suggestions for its design and content, we are glad for them and we will gradually implement them.
The Careers website introduces the faculty as an employer and is targeted primarily to external visitors. It brings information on what to expect when considering employment at the faculty – i.e., how we conduct recruitment, what benefits we offer, what job positions we provide, procedures and conditions under which it is possible to develop a career - whether academic, scientific, technical or administrative. We show what a faculty career may look like in the Success Stories’ section. The career page also deals with ethical principles at the workplace, introduces the Code of Ethics, and will introduce a planned concept of the Ombudsperson.
The internal Employee Portal provides convenient and comprehensive access to all kinds of information. We will intensively work on the faculty content of its personnel section MUNI SCI in the coming year.
During the autumn, we have prepared a pilot group for the Evaluation of employees process according to the new Dean’s directive. Consequently, employee evaluation will be launched for the first six departments as of January 2021.
We have also finalized the Onboarding Process, which should provide support to the workplaces that newcomers are joining, while bringing them a pleasant first experience. Next year, we will train the faculty's workplaces in this new process, and, at the same time, we will cooperate with the MU Rector's Office on its automation to reduce the administrative burden.
Together with the Department of Health and Safety and Legal, we have also upgraded the documentation on occupational health and safety and fire protection for supervisors as part of a quality and professional care for employees. Related training for supervisors, in addition to the mandatory statutory training, will be provided during next year.
Your suggestions regarding employee care are always welcome and the HR Award Focus Group is open to new members. Please write to us.
We want to thank you for your kind support and wish you a peaceful Advent and Merry Christmas. We are looking forward to our further cooperation in the year 2021.
SCI MUNI HR Award team