Start your career at a prestigious global university

The Experientia Foundation is launching its 10th annual competition for annual scholarships for internships abroad at prestigious universities around the world for young scientists who have or will soon complete their PhD. The prerequisites are age up to 35 and the most interesting project in the field of organic, bioorganic or medicinal chemistry.

5 Nov 2021 Jana Procházková

If you meet the above conditions, then there is a unique chance for you to go on a one-year internship at a prestigious foreign university of your choice. All you need to do is to come up with an original project, approach your dream institute and apply for an award. Selected candidates will be invited to a joint meeting of the Grants Committee and the Board of Trustees of the Experientia Foundation, where they will have the opportunity to present their project in more detail. This meeting is usually held at the end of May.

The deadline for applications is 15 March 2022. The application form can be found on the foundation's website.

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