Theory and History of Film and Audiovisual Culture

Follow-up Master's degree in full-time form. The language of instruction is Czech.

The programme can be studied as a single subject or in combination with another programme.

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Admission to Master's degree programmes in 2024/2025 (beginning: Spring 2025)
Submission deadline until midnight 30 November 2024.

What will you learn?

The aim of Master's degree study is to educate graduates for highly qualified and specialized professional and academic professions in film science, cinematography, audiovisual industry, creative and cultural industries, media, cultural, memorial and educational institutions, public and state administration.
Master study leads to the comprehension and understanding of cinematography, i.e. film and audiovisual industry as a complex phenomenon in relevant historical, social, cultural, economic, technical and aesthetic contexts.
The graduate is able to independently solve professional and research tasks and conceptually and critically contextualize, analyze and interpret the given issue.
Master's study provides a systematic set of advanced and specialized knowledge and skills in the field, within a wider framework of humanities and social sciences. The standard corresponds to the level of advanced specialized education.
The curriculum is based on a set of predominantly compulsory and compulsory elective courses (lectures and seminars), the components of which are:
1) subjects on the theory and history of film and audiovisual industry focused on key research areas,
2) subjects focused on the methodology of research and academic reading and writing,
3) subjects focusing on the master's thesis realization,
4) subjects of leading experts from foreign universities (in English),
5) selective research and project subjects,
6) subjects focusing on internships and traineeships, including the compulsory foreign internship.
The curriculum contains subject sets of interrelated types and functions: (a) subjects providing theoretical and methodological knowledge, (b) subjects providing applied research solutions, (c) subjects providing an international perspective and fulfilling the necessity of internacionalization, (d) subjects linking the academic sector with the practical sector and strengthening the practical applicability of graduates to the labor market.
The curriculum is designed to enable the student to individually choose a specific set of subjects and teachers, corresponding to his / her interests and needs, especially with regard to the nature of the Master's project.

“We see film from within.”

Practical training

Practice falls under the category of compulsory elective courses. Every student has to pass up to two practical trainings within two subjects:br>

The subject of Publishing and Conference Practice is focused on gaining competencies and practical experience with the presentation of study and research projects or results: includes the obligation to publish a professional article (study or academic review of at least 5 standard pages = 9,000 characters, or a set of shorter texts in the range of at least 10 standard pages = 18,000 characters) in a professional publication (periodic or non-periodic) or to present a contribution at a professional conference. There are also other possibilities for admissible practice, e.g. editorial or translation>

The subject Professional Internship is focused on gaining direct work experience in the practical sector: it involves the obligation to undergo a professional traineeship of min. 4 weeks (20 business days) in professional institutions such as the National Film Archive, State Cinematography Fund, Czech Television, the festivals IFF Karlovy Vary or IDFF Jihlava, the university cinema Scala, production companies, etc.

Further information

Career opportunities

Master's degree provides prerequisites for professional application especially in the following areas and positions:
1) academic and professional staff in cinematographic, audiovisual and film science institutions.
2) Professionals and creative staff in media, creative and cultural industries, cultural, memorial and educational institutions, public and state administration.
3) Publicists and critics in the field of film and cultural journalism, public relations, editorial and translation activities.
4) Cultural management: cinema managers, managers of cultural and educational institutions, film festivals, etc.
5) Dramaturgy and production practice: film, TV, cinema, festivals.

Admission requirements

Deadline for submitting applications: August 1 - November 30

Who the programme is intended for: The programme is intended for graduates of the same or related Bachelor’s degree programmes (the similarity of the fields will be assessed based on the application).

Subject matter of the entrance examination: 1st round - written Master’s thesis project, 2nd round - oral discussion of the Master’s thesis project. Detailed information about the entrance examination can be found on the Department website.

A maximum of 70 points can be obtained in the first round of the entrance exam, and 30 points in the second round. The minimum required for a proposal for admission is 55 points.

Applicants who obtain more than 54 points in the first round have met the limit of 55 points for admission and do not have to participate in the second round (interview) and will not be invited to it.

Only those applicants whose score from the 1st round falls in the range of 25-54 points will be invited to the 2nd round of the entrance examination.

Applicants who obtain less than 25 points in the 1st round cannot obtain the required 55 points for admission, even with a hypothetical maximum score of 30 points from the 2nd round. Therefore, even these applicants will not be invited to the 2nd round of the entrance examination.

Website Department of Film Studies and Audiovisual Culture.

General information on the course of the admission procedure to the follow-up Master’s degree programmes at FA MU can be found here. Documents for the current admission procedure are kept in Materials for Applicants.

Criteria for evaluation

Pass/fail line of the entrance examination: 55 points (out of 100).

Minimum score and numbers of accepted applicants in past years


1 Aug – 30 Nov 2024

Submit your application during this period

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Study options

Single-subject studies

Students have a pre-defined list of required courses, which are supplemented with selective and elective courses. The student pays full attention to the single field of study chosen.

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Combined studies

Recommended combinations

Combinations with programmes from Faculty of Education

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Courses – curriculum examples

An example of your study plan:

Single-subject studies

Combined studies

Recommended combinations

Combinations with programmes from Faculty of Education

Theory and History of Film and Audiovisual Culture (major), full-time studies
+ Gallery Education and Arts Facilitation (minor) – Faculty of Education

Bold – required courses
Normal – selective courses

Detailed information about courses in the study plan Theory and History of Film and Audiovisual Culture
Detailed information about courses in the study plan Gallery Education and Arts Facilitation

Follow-up studies

The graduate of the Master's degree study program in Theory and History of Audiovisual Culture can (after fulfilling the conditions for admission) continue to study doctoral studies in the field of Theory and History of Theater, Film and Audiovisual Culture - specialization in film science, or other disciplines (if applicable).

Study information

Provided by Faculty of Arts
Type of studies Follow-up master's
Mode full-time Yes
combined No
distance No
Study options single-subject studies Yes
single-subject studies with specialization No
major/minor studies Yes
Standard length of studies 2 years
Language of instruction Czech

Do you have any questions?
Send us an e-mail to

PhDr. Jaromír Blažejovský, Ph.D.



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