Total number of publications: 149
Detection of trinucleotide repeat expansions at the myotonic dystrophy locus.
Year: 2000, type: Conference abstract
Methodological Possibilities for detection of expanded trinucleotide repeats in myotonic dystrophy locus.
Year: 2000, type: Conference abstract
Molecular diagnostics of serious hereditary neurological diseases. The report about complex diagnostic program results (Lederer foundation), 11. dubna, 2000, Brno, Česká republika.
Year: 2000, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
New trends in diagnostics of myotonic dystrophy. Vědecké odpoledne Oddělení lékařské genetiky FN Brno, Čs. biological society meeting, 4. října, 2000, Brno, Česká republika.
Year: 2000, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Patologické stavy podmíněné expanzí trinukleotidů. Molekulární diagnostika myotonické dystrofie; Diplomová práce, PřF MU, Brno, 2000
Year: 2000, type: Special-purpose publication
PCR methods for detection of large trinucleotide repeat expansions.
Year: 2000, type: Conference abstract
Rapid detection of CTG repeat expansions by PCR: Application for postnatal diagnostics of myotonic dystrophy.
Year: 2000, type: Conference abstract
Stable and unstable trinucleotide CTG repeat alleles in myotonic dystrophy locus.
Year: 2000, type: Conference abstract
Utility of PCR methods for characterization of pathological alleles associated with myotonic dystrophy.
Year: 1999, type: Conference abstract