Project information
Proposal of communication framework with international environmental information systems
- Project Identification
- SM/10/99/05
- Project Period
- 5/2005 - 12/2007
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Ministry of the Environment of the CR
- Environment and Natural Resources Protection (TP1/DP4)
- MU Faculty or unit
Institute of Biostatistics and Analyses
- prof. RNDr. Jiří Hřebíček, CSc.
- prof. RNDr. Ladislav Dušek, Ph.D.
- RNDr. Danka Haruštiaková, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Michal Hejč
- prof. RNDr. Ivan Holoubek, CSc.
- RNDr. Ing. Karel Kisza
- RNDr. Miroslav Kubásek, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Jan Pešl
- prof. RNDr. Tomáš Pitner, Ph.D.
- RNDr. Jaroslav Ráček, Ph.D.
- RNDr. Matěj Štefaník
- doc. Ing. Jan Žižka, CSc.
- Keywords
- international communication; environmental; information management; environmental reporting; GMES; INSPIRE; EEA
The aim of the project are effective methods of the communication of czech informative systems within the JISŽP with nternational communication systems in the environmental area. This research will be mainly aimed for european environmental informative swithin the EU, including INSPIRE, GMES and other systems coordinated by EEA, e.g. all-European processing of environmental data, where is possible to involve operation, creation and development of theEuropean environmental informative and observative network ( EIONET) and also effective cooperation with appropriate international organisations and programmes (CERES, GRI, etc.).
The result of the projet is the conceptual model of a Single environmental information space, which enables the development of a Shared environmental information system in EU.
Total number of publications: 40
Komunikační rámec pro mezinárodní výměnu environmentálních informací
Year: 2006, type: Special-purpose publication
Komunikační rámec pro výměnu environmentálních informací
3. letní škola aplikované informatiky, year: 2006
Metody hodnocení kvality dat a softwarové možnosti jejího zlepšení
3. letní škola aplikované informatiky, year: 2006
New Trends in Environmental Reporting EU
The System of Accounting and Reporting for Sustainable Development at Microeconomic and Macroeconomic Levels, year: 2006
Nové trendy v environmentálním reportingu EU
Environmentální aspekty podnikání, year: 2006, volume: 2006, edition: 3
Process Analysis of Environmental Reporting
Proceedings of the iEMSs Third Biennial Meeting "Summit on nvironmental Modelling and Software", year: 2006
The Use of Information and Communication Technology in Company Environmental Awareness Amplification
Proceedings of the iEMSs Third Biennial Meeting "Summit on nvironmental Modelling and Software", year: 2006
Zpráva o řešení projektu VaV 10-99-05 Návrh komunikačního rámce s mezinárodními informačními systémy v ŽP v roce 2006
Year: 2006
Blended Learning: Concepts and Frameworks and Tools for Environmental Education
EnviroInfo 2005 - Networking Environmental Information, year: 2005
Environmental Communication Framework in e-Government of the Czech Republic
19. International Conference Informatics for Environmental Protection EnviroInfo 2005 - Networking Environmental Information, year: 2005